The Future of Leisure

At this point of time (Q3/2021) everybody is wondering how the world will be after the pandemic. What will people want and do? will they travel more domestically? How will their previously fast growing disposable income – especially in developing markets – be affected? One thing is for sure: kids and families will always need […]
Get ready for the post pandemic

It is a difficult time and the leisure industry, hardly hit by the pandemic. We all know this. However, we also all know that this will be somehow over one way or the other; #leisure #operators need to think ahead and get ready for the post pandemic era, where they will face returning customer even […]
Enhance your location, make it a destination!

The dream and goal of every leisure operator is to get happy people, families with kids on top, to have a good time. Possibly to post and share their good experience on the social media, come back with friends again. It is important to keep up to date with what the supply side of the […]
Innovative, affordable formats

Especially in Developing countries such as #vietnam #malaysia #indonesia #thailand and #philippines the leisure industry has been growing at an astonishing rate, to come a temporarily slow down due to the covid pandemic. Developers have wonderful parcels of lands which they are going to be turned into new destination. We offer innovative and affordable formats […]